PHPStorm DEFAULT KEYMAP (Windows, Linux)

To find any action inside the IDE use. Find Action ( Ctrl + Shift + A )


Ctrl + SpaceBasic code completion
Alt + EnterShow intention actions and quick-fixes
Ctrl + PParameter info (within method call arguments)
Ctrl + QQuick documentation lookup
Ctrl + mouse over codeBrief Info
Alt + InsertGenerate code… (Getters, Setters, Constructors)
Ctrl + OOverride methods
Ctrl + IImplement methods
Ctrl + Alt + TSurround with… (if..else, try..catch, for, etc.)
Ctrl + /Comment/uncomment with line comment
Ctrl + Shift + /Comment/uncomment with block comment
Ctrl + WSelect successively increasing code blocks
Ctrl + Shift + WDecrease current selection to previous state
Ctrl + Alt + LReformat code
Ctrl + Alt + IAuto-indent line(s)
Ctrl + DDuplicate current line or selected block
Ctrl + YDelete line at caret
Ctrl + Shift + JSmart line join (HTML and JavaScript only)
Ctrl + EnterSmart line split (HTML and JavaScript only)
Shift + EnterStart new line
Ctrl + Shift + UToggle case for word at caret or selected block
Ctrl + Shift + ] / [Select till code block end/start
Ctrl + DeleteDelete to word end
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete to word start
Ctrl + NumPad+/-Expand/collapse code block
Ctrl + F4Close active editor tab
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste from history


F8Step over
F7Step into
Shift + F8Step out
Alt + F8Evaluate expression
F9Resume program
Ctrl + F8Toggle breakpoint
Ctrl+Shift+F8View breakpoints


Shift + F10Run
Shift + F9Debug
Ctrl + Shift + F10Run context configuration from editor
Ctrl + Shift + XRun command line


Ctrl + F/RFind/Replace
F3/Shift + F3Find next/previous
Ctrl + Shift + F/RFind/Replace in path

Usage Search

Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7Find usages / Find usages in file
Ctrl + Shift + F7Highlight usages in file
Ctrl + Alt + F7Show usages


Ctrl + NGo to class
Ctrl + Shift + NGo to file
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + NGo to symbol
Ctrl + GGo to line
Alt + Right/LeftGo to next/previous editor tab
EscGo to editor (from tool window)
Ctrl + ERecent files popup
Ctrl + Alt + Left/RightNavigate back/forward
Ctrl + Shift + BackspaceNavigate to last edit location
Alt + F1Select current file or symbol in any view
Ctrl + B or Ctrl + ClickGo to declaration
Ctrl + Alt + BGo to implementation(s)
Ctrl + Shift + IOpen quick definition lookup
Ctrl + Shift + BGo to type declaration
Ctrl + UGo to super-method/super-class
Alt + Up/DownGo to previous/next method
Ctrl + ] / [Move to code block end/start
F2 / Shift + F2Next/previous highlighted error
F4 / Ctrl + EnterEdit source / View source


Alt + DeleteSafe Delete
Shift + F6Rename
Ctrl + Alt + NInline Variable
Ctrl + Alt + M/V/F/CExtract Method/Variable/Field/Constant
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + TRefactor This (shows all available refactorings)

VCS/Local History

Alt + BackQuote (`)‘VCS’ quick popup
Ctrl + KCommit project to VCS
Ctrl + TUpdate project from VCS
Alt + Shift + CView recent changes


Double ShiftSearch everywhere
Ctrl + Shift + AFind Action
Alt + #[0-9]Open corresponding tool window
Ctrl + Alt + F11Toggle full screen mode
Ctrl + Shift + F12Toggle maximizing editor
Alt + Shift + FAdd to Favorites
Alt + Shift + IInspect current file with current profile
Ctrl + Alt + SOpen Settings dialog
Ctrl + TabSwitch between tabs and tool window